Tuesday, August 31, 2010Y
Thank you!
To Class OH,
Thank you for the effort in creating the Teacher's Day powerpoint slides. I will continue to do my part in guiding and helping everyone if I can. Sometimes, its a little hard for me to give equal attention to everyone. My apologies to some of you if I have neglected you as I have been focusing and giving attention to some of your classmates only. Don't be mistaken that I don't like you...its just that I feel you are more independent and are able to do well. I am lucky to have a class where most of you are well-behaved and have good learning attitude. The following students have made tremendous improvement too: Peiyin, Jasmine, Meifeng, Ashikin, Azimah, Amalina, Joseph, Phoelyn, Ellyna, Junwei and James. I hope the rest continue to do well and I am glad that some of you are making an effort to complete the course with positivism despite family and personal issues.
~ post at 9:07 AM ~
Tuesday, August 10, 2010Y
Formula One Dates

For those involved in F1, please note the following dates. Mark them in your own calendar as I may not be able to inform you all on time especially during the holiday.
1) Between 18-20 August, you need to collect the uniforms.
2) The crucial day is 21 August, you will be signing contracts with SingaporeGP.
3) F1 takes place in S'pore this year from 24-26 Sep.
If I am not wrong, you will be paid by hourly rate. The rate will differ from the role you are undertaking, so do not make comparison.
~ post at 5:39 PM ~